• Travel by Bus or Train

    Most states prohibit animals from riding on buses and similar regulations restrict travel on trains. Exceptions are made for guide and service dogs accompanying blind and disabled persons. Consult your local carriers in advance for information.

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  • Travel by Car

    Pets should not be allowed to ride with their heads outside car windows. Particles of dirt can enter the eyes, ears, and nose, causing injury or infection. If your pet is not accustomed to car travel, take it for a few short rides before your trip. Cats should be confined to a cage or crate to allow

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  • Traveling with Pets

    According to a survey of pet owners by the American Animal Hospital Association (AAHA), more than 53% of dog and cats will travel with their owners. With the upcoming busy travel season, what are the best ways of traveling with your best friend? It has been said that "an ounce of prevention is

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  • Traveling with Your Pet

    Traveling with your pet can be rewarding but challenging if not enough preparation has been made. Planning will help your trip go smoother and should include acquiring any paperwork that is needed, consideration of the temperatures to be experienced and how to deal with them, and obtaining equipment

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  • Trimming Your Cat's Claws

    Cats are generally regarded as "self-grooming" pets, though they do need their humans for some grooming activities. One grooming technique cats are unable to perform on their own is trimming their front nails. While some indoor-only cats are de-clawed in the front (this means their claws have been removed

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  • Try These Tricks the Next Time You Have to Give Your Pet Medication

    Would you rather do anything than give your pet medicine? These tips may make the process easier.

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  • Turkeys

    While all animals have unique personalities, turkeys are usually docile animals. They can be interesting pets to have. However, like any pet, they require a certain level of care to remain healthy and content. Before you decide to purchase turkeys, you should understand what the care entails. Housing Keep

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  • Two Common Diseases of Geriatric Cats

    Cats are living longer and longer. This is due to better medical care and the fact that more cats are living only indoors. These cats commonly live up to 15 to 18 years of age, with a few living into their twenties. The oldest cat on record lived to be 38! The two most common diseases of the geriatric

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  • Types of Diabetes in Dogs

    Most people have heard of diabetes and associate it with needing to administer insulin. But actually there are two different kinds of diabetes: diabetes mellitus and diabetes insipidus. Their symptoms can be similar, but their causes are totally different and thus their treatments are completely different. Diabetes

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  • Understanding Canine Compulsive Disorder

    If your dog has developed a tendency to pursue the same pointless activity -- sucking on his flanks, chasing his own tail, barking or snapping at thin air, et cetera -- he may be suffering from canine compulsive disorder, or CCD. Fortunately, treatment and training can help him overcome his obsession. Defining

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  • Understanding Pet Behavior

    Because our pets can not raise their paws and tell us when something is wrong, we as owners need to know what to watch for to know when our pet is ill. The Dog Scoot Boogie A dog dragging his hind end across the floor is his way of telling you his anal glands are full and need emptying. Anal glands

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  • Understanding Renal Failure in Cats

    Acute renal failure and chronic renal failure are two health problems that commonly affect cats. Acute renal failure can affect cats at any age; emergency care is essential to treating this condition and saving a cat’s life. Chronic renal failure typically occurs in senior cats. According to the American

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  • Unnecessary Risks Cat Owners Take

    There are specific activities that can make a positive difference in your pet's health. The difference will be enhanced health and wellness when you integrate them into your current pet maintenance program. Feeding, grooming and vaccinations are probably your top-of-mind priorities. Sometimes you can

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  • Vaccine Reactions in Pets

    Vaccines are intended to stimulate the immune system. In effect, they induce the response the immune system should have in the face of a real infection. They are like a fire drill for the immune system. As a result, our pets' bodies can have appropriate vaccine response symptoms as well as unexpected

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  • Vertigo or Old Dog Vestibular Syndrome

    Vertigo is a syndrome in the elderly dog, which can be very frightening to the owners. The dog is suddenly afflicted with a balance problem, usually staggering, but occasionally unable to stand, and more rarely actually rolling over and over. There is a tilting of the head to one side and nystagmus,

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  • Vet Care Doesn't Have to Break the Bank; Pet Insurance

    Wondering if pet insurance is a good idea?

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